The Systems Thinking Playbook for Climate Change
Simple interactive exercises, we call them ‘games’ or ‘strategic exercises’, have the potential to help participants understand by doing. In The Systems Thinking Playbook for Climate Change, we present 22 games that will be useful to those who are trying to communicate with others about the causes and consequences of climate change. These simple exercises can facilitate the process of communication and education.
Cómo citar
Booth Sweeney, L., Meadows, D., Martin Mehers, G. (2011). The Systems Thinking Playbook for Climate Change. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale ZusammenarbeitEditor
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale ZusammenarbeitRecurso(s) relacionado(s)¿Qué competencias generales / especificas desarrollará este recurso en educación para la sostenibilidad?
Systems thinking; climate action; SDG13
¿De qué manera sugiere utilizar este recurso en las asignaturas?
Many exercises can be done in class with different-size student groups. They really enjoy them and learn the material better after they've done a game.
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