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dc.contributor.advisorFukunaga Fuentes, Fernando
dc.contributor.authorTutaya Chilquillo, Estrella Isabel
dc.identifier.citationEstrella Isabel Tutaya Chilquillo, E. I. (2024). Proyecto Consultora Perú S.A.C. [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional para optar el título profesional de Contador Público, Universidad de Lima]. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Lima.
dc.description.abstractConsultora Perú S.A.C. es una empresa que pertenece al Sector de Consultoría, la cual brinda servicios de asesoría empresarial, contabilidad, tributación y laboral. La Empresa está analizando la posibilidad de abrir operaciones en Colombia a través de una filial con el objetivo de ampliar su presencia en otros países de Latinoamérica. Para ello, la Empresa necesita de asesoramiento en distintos ámbitos como financiero, legal, tributario, entre otros necesarios para tomar la decisión de abrir operaciones en Colombia. En base a lo mencionado, la revisión y análisis tributario será materia del presente trabajo, para brindar a la Empresa las conclusiones sobre el Sistema Tributario en Colombia, en materia de Impuesto a la Renta e Impuesto a los dividendos, se considerará los gastos deducibles y no deducibles para la determinación de la base gravable de impuesto y el efecto de abrir operaciones en Colombia. Además, se analizará el Convenio para evitar la doble imposición que existe entre los países de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones, entre ellos Perú y Colombia, y su posible aplicación a las rentas obtenidas por una posible filial en Colombia y la posibilidad de aprovechar el Convenio de manera que la empresa matriz no tribute doblemente en Colombia y Perú por una misma renta. También se proyectará el Estado de Resultados de la posible filial para los cinco primeros años de inicio de operaciones, se revisará los ingresos que podría obtener durante esos años y determinar los costos y gastos en los que incurriría, para luego determinar la base imponible, considerando los gastos deducibles y no deducibles, y finalmente calcular el Impuesto a la Renta e Impuesto a los dividendos que se pagaría en dicho país. Con la información obtenida, se espera determinar el impacto tributario de una posible ampliación de operaciones en Colombia.es_PE
dc.description.abstractConsultora Perú S.A.C. is a company that belongs to the Consulting sector, which provides business advisory, accounting, taxation and labour services. The Company is analysing the possibility of opening operations in Colombia through a subsidiary with the aim of expanding its presence in other Latin American countries. To do this, the Company needs advice in different areas such as financial, legal, tax, among others necessary to make the decision to open operations in Colombia. Based on the aforementioned, the tax review and analysis will be the subject of this work, since the purpose of this work will seek to provide the Company with conclusions about the Tax System in Colombia, in terms of Income Tax and Dividend Tax, as well as, deductible and non-deductible expenses are considered for determining the taxable tax base and the effect that opening operations in Colombia could have. In addition, the Convention must be analysed to avoid double taxation that exists between the countries of the Andean Community of Nations, including Peru and Colombia, since what is intended is to know the application of this agreement in the income obtained by a possible subsidiary. . in Colombia and analyse the possibility of taking advantage of the Agreement so that the parent company does not pay double taxes in Colombia and Peru for the same income. The Income Statement of the possible subsidiary will also be projected for the first five years of starting operations, the income that could be obtained during those years will be reviewed and the costs and expenses that would be incurred will be determined, to then determine the tax base, considering the deductible and non-deductible expenses, and finally calculate the Income Tax and Tax on dividends that would be paid in said country. With the information obtained, it is expected to determine the tax effects of a possible expansion of operations in Colombia.en_EN
dc.publisherUniversidad de Lima
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional Ulima
dc.sourceUniversidad de Lima
dc.titleProyecto Consultora Perú S.A.C.es_PE
dc.title.alternativeProject Consultora Peru S.A.C.en_EN
dc.typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis de Lima. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Económicasítulo profesional
dc.type.otherTrabajo de suficiencia profesional Público
dc.description.peer-reviewConsultora Perú S.A.C. is a company that belongs to the Consulting sector, which provides business advisory, accounting, taxation and labour services. The Company is analysing the possibility of opening operations in Colombia through a subsidiary with the aim of expanding its presence in other Latin American countries. To do this, the Company needs advice in different areas such as financial, legal, tax, among others necessary to make the decision to open operations in Colombia. Based on the aforementioned, the tax review and analysis will be the subject of this work, since the purpose of this work will seek to provide the Company with conclusions about the Tax System in Colombia, in terms of Income Tax and Dividend Tax, as well as, deductible and non-deductible expenses are considered for determining the taxable tax base and the effect that opening operations in Colombia could have. In addition, the Convention must be analysed to avoid double taxation that exists between the countries of the Andean Community of Nations, including Peru and Colombia, since what is intended is to know the application of this agreement in the income obtained by a possible subsidiary. . in Colombia and analyse the possibility of taking advantage of the Agreement so that the parent company does not pay double taxes in Colombia and Peru for the same income. The Income Statement of the possible subsidiary will also be projected for the first five years of starting operations, the income that could be obtained during those years will be reviewed and the costs and expenses that would be incurred will be determined, to then determine the tax base, considering the deductible and non-deductible expenses, and finally calculate the Income Tax and Tax on dividends that would be paid in said country. With the information obtained, it is expected to determine the tax effects of a possible expansion of operations in Colombia.en_EN
renati.jurorVega Cruces, Ahmed Demetrio
renati.jurorFukunaga Fuentes, Fernando
renati.jurorPaiva Cruz, Rosaura Venecia
ulima.lineadeinvestigacion5300 - 3. D1.

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