Database methodology for therapy evaluation in auditory schizophrenia disorder based on continuity evolution of symptoms
In the context of a medication or therapy course, an intriguing question may arise after a few therapies: Should the treatment or therapy be continued? Even after several instances of therapy, there are not clear measures for a schizophrenia patient. Therefore, the decision is based on the expertise of the therapist or psychiatrist. Here, an innovative method was shown for evaluating responses of schizophrenia patients in a course of therapy and even different treatments. A parity decision task was proposed, where duration and mutual information of the different sounds were correlated with the electroencephalographic (EEG) measures of schizophrenia patients. The result was the design of a database system that is able to provide multiple-adapted comparison treatments in patients. Clinical test data recording was designed as well, which aims to be effective in creating a decision tool regarding the continuity of the therapy for a schizophrenia patient. No similar database design was found in the literature reviewed.
How to cite
Mugruza-Vassallo, C. (2016). Database methodology for therapy evaluation in auditory schizophrenia disorder based on continuity evolution of symptoms. En Information Communication and Management (ICICM). Hatfield, United Kingdom 29-31 de octubre 2016. doi:10.1109/INFOCOMAN.2016.7784261Publisher
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Comunicación y cultura / PsicologíaCollections