ASquare: A powerful evaluation tool for adaptive hypermedia course system
Currently many methods and tools are being developed to
support e-Learning courses. On the one hand, they are used
to help students. On the other, a few applications are being
developed to help course designers and instructors. In
addition, the development of this applications is important
for improving the performance of the course. Thus, we proposed
in this paper to use data mining methods to aid in the
designing of adaptive courses and the evaluation of their effectiveness.
Lastly, the results of the implementation of our
tool and examples of the utility of Data Mining for teachers
is given.
Cómo citar
Bravo, J., Vialardi, C., & Ortigosa, Á. (2008). ASquare: A powerful evaluation tool for adaptive hypermedia course system. En HT '08 Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 219-220). Pittsburgh, PA, USA.Editor
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