• Astrobioethics: a brief discussion from the epistemological, religious and societal dimension 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      As astrobiology progresses in its quest to discover life on other planets or to put ourselves in another one, so does its moral problematic. Astrobiology is not only part of natural sciences, but also deals with direct ...
    • Astrobioethics: Epistemological, Astrotheological, and Interplanetary Issues 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Wiley, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      The themes that arise as we enter the philosophical discussion on astrobiology are many and diverse. Of all these, ethics is presented as a rather complex one. Therefore, astrobioethics is the branch of philosophy and ...
    • Astrobiology and its influence on the renewal of the way we see the world from the teloempathic, educational and astrotheological perspective 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
      Acceso restringido
      There is a record of the positive effects of astrobiological research for the natural sciences and eventually for their technological use on Earth. However, on the philosophical effects, this is not as visible as the ...
    • Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso; Peters, Ted; Seckbach, Joseph; Gordon, Richard (Wiley, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      Astrobiology is an exploding discipline in which not only the natural sciences, but also the social sciences and humanities converge. Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy is a multidisciplinary book that presents ...
    • Asymptotic behavior of the Rao–Nakra sandwich beam model with Kelvin–Voigt damping 

      Quispe Méndez, Teófanes; Cabanillas Zannini, Victor Rafael; Feng, Baowei (SAGE Publications, 2024)
      Acceso restringido
      The Rao–Nakra sandwich beam is a coupled system consisting of two wave equations for the longitudinal displacements of the top and bottom layers and an Euler–Bernoulli beam equation for the transversal displacement. This ...
    • Attitudes and perceptions towards the scientific search for extraterrestrial life among students of public and private universities in Peru 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso; Ramos Ramírez, Julio César; Hoyos Rengifo, Fernando; Choy Vessoni, Rosana Aurora; Sergo Laura, Ivan; Ríos Ruiz, Félix Germán Alfonso; Murga Moreno, César Andreé; Alvarado Pino, José Percy Leonel; Yance Morales, Ximena (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
      Acceso restringido
      The objective of this study was to identify attitudes towards the scientific search for extraterrestrial life among students from public and private universities in Peru. This research was inspired by similar studies, ...
    • Baladas peruanas, de Manuel González Prada como antecedente de Canto General 

      Fernández Cozman, Camilo Rubén (Universidad de Murcia, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      Baladas peruanas, de Manuel González Prada es un antecedente de Canto general (1950) porque pone de relieve la cosmogonía americana, la defensa del indígena y la poliacroasis en el ámbito de la poesía hispanoamericana. ...
    • Bibliotecas, imprentas y difusión de noticias en el Perú colonial 

      Hampe Martínez, Teodoro (Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux, 2011)
      Acceso abierto
      Amplia síntesis historiográfica de la investigación sobre el impreso en el Nuevo Mundo que abarca la historia de la imprenta, de las bibliotecas, de las lecturas y de la prensa, desde los trabajos pioneros de José Toribio ...
    • Blow-up results for a viscoelastic beam equation of p-Laplacian type with strong damping and logarithmic source 

      Carvalho Pereira, Ducival; Araújo, Geraldo M.; Raposo, Carlos A.; Cabanillas Zannini, Victor Rafael (John Wiley and Sons, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      In this paper, we investigate the existence, uniqueness, exponential decay, and blow-up behavior of the viscoelastic beam equation involving the (Formula presented.) -Laplacian operator, strong damping, and a logarithmic ...
    • Building inclusive policies in basic level education 

      Palacios Garay, Jessica Paola; Alarcón Diaz, Mitchell Alberto; Chumacero Calle, Niltón César; Chumacero Calle, Juan Carlos; Rodriguez-Barboza, Jhonny Richard (Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao (ANPAD), 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Purpose: The purpose of study inclusive education is the answer to the social marginalization of people that are considered as imperfect or inhuman. The intention is to get recognition of discriminated people through ...
    • La canción de las figuras de José María Eguren frente a Los heraldos negros de César Vallejo: una perspectiva comparativa 

      Fernández Cozman, Camilo Rubén (Universidad de Murcia Servicio de Publicaciones, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      El propósito de este artículo es comparar dos poemarios fundamentales de la tradición literaria peruana: La canción de las figuras de José María Eguren y Los heraldos negros de César Vallejo. El autor utiliza una ...
    • La cárcel de la violencia: Bioy de Diego Trelles Paz y el neopolicial latinoamericano 

      Susti Gonzales, Alejandro Enrico (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades, Departamento de Literatura, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      Este artículo examina la novela Bioy (2012) de Diego Trelles Paz (Lima, 1977) a partir de sus vínculos con el género policial clásico y la novela negra norteamericana. En primer lugar, se examinan los efectos que produce ...
    • A Case Study: Data Mining Applied to Student Enrollment 

      Vialardi Sacín, César; Chue Gallardo, Jorge; Barrientos Padilla, Alfredo; Victoria, Daniel; Estrella, Jhonny; Peche, Juan Pablo; Ortigosa, Álvaro (Educational Data Mining, 2010)
      Acceso abierto
      One of the main problems faced by university students is deciding the right learning path based on available information such as courses, schedules and professors. In this context, this paper presents a recommender system ...
    • Characterization of Sludge Resulting from Chemical Coagulation and Electrocoagulation of Pumping Water from Fishmeal Factories 

      Aguilar Ascón, Edwar; Solari-Godiño, Armando; Cueva-Martínez, Miguel; Neyra Ascón, Walter; Albrecht-Ruíz, Miguel (MDPI, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      In the fishmeal industry, seawater is used to transport fish to the factories. Due to this, “pumping water” with high concentrations of organic matter is generated that is treated via chemical coagulation before letting ...
    • La ciudad como utopía: Las crónicas periodísticas sobre Lima de Sebastián Salazar Bondy 

      Susti Gonzales, Alejandro Enrico (University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      En su tesis doctoral, el crítico francés Gérald Hirschhorn (2005) sostiene que Sebastián Salazar Bondy llegó a escribir la sorprendente suma de 2,231 artículos entre 1942 y 1965, entre estos, un total de 1,089 “dedicados ...
    • Collaborative learning and text production of original texts 

      Montoya Cantoral, Elisa; Gómez Carbonel, Piero; Niño Cueva, Moisés Ronal; Villaba-Condori, Klinge Orlando; Silva Sprock, Antonio; Niño Cueva, Danes Carlos Enrique (IEEE, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      University education faces several challenges and difficulties in the development of soft skills in students, especially in the ability to work in a team and communicate their ideas with coherence and cohesion through ...
    • Compromiso laboral y desempeño profesional en docentes universitarios del área de estudios generales en universidades privadas de Perú 

      Rosales Trabuco, José Eduardo; Espinoza Núñez, Juan Manuel; Posadas Castañeda, Lorena Vanessa; Romero Huayta, Lizeth Stephanie; Pinedo-Yzaguirre, Elvis Andy (University of Cienfuegos, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      Los docentes son la parte neurálgica de una universidad. Sentirse comprometidos con su labor (engagement) conlleva a una mejora notoria del clima laboral de la institución y su desempeño profesional. Es en este escenario ...
    • Computational modeling of HIV-TB coinfection by cellular automata (CELL-DEVS) 

      Pérez Núñez, Jhelly Reynaluz; Vásquez Serpa, Luis Javier; Pino-Romero, Neisser; Paredes-Rojas, Edú; Rodríguez-Briceño, José-Kenyn; Haya-Enríquez, Erwin-Fernando (Roman Science Publications and Distributions, 2023)
      Acceso abierto
      In the present study, the computational modeling that describes the evolution and propagation of people susceptible to HIV-AIDS infection as well as Tuberculosis will be carried out. This additionally generates a coinfection ...
    • Conceptual discussion around the notion of the human being as an inter and multiplanetary species 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso; Murga Moreno, C. A. (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      The current advances in our exploration of Mars have made us think of the human species as a multiplanetary species. However, we have certain challenges before we can truly consider ourselves such a species, especially ...
    • Conocimiento especializado del profesorado de matemática en formación inicial acerca de los polígonos 

      Advíncula Clemente, Elizabeth Milagro; Beteta Salas, Marisel Rocío; León Ríos, José Carlos; Torres Céspedes, Isabel Zoraida; Montes, Miguel (Universidad Nacional, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      En este artículo nos centramos en comprender el conocimiento especializado que muestra una profesora de educación secundaria en formación, cuando enseña polígonos como parte de su práctica preprofesional en el último año ...