• Astrobioethics: a brief discussion from the epistemological, religious and societal dimension 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      As astrobiology progresses in its quest to discover life on other planets or to put ourselves in another one, so does its moral problematic. Astrobiology is not only part of natural sciences, but also deals with direct ...
    • Astrobioethics: Epistemological, Astrotheological, and Interplanetary Issues 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Wiley, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      The themes that arise as we enter the philosophical discussion on astrobiology are many and diverse. Of all these, ethics is presented as a rather complex one. Therefore, astrobioethics is the branch of philosophy and ...
    • Astrobiology and its influence on the renewal of the way we see the world from the teloempathic, educational and astrotheological perspective 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
      Acceso restringido
      There is a record of the positive effects of astrobiological research for the natural sciences and eventually for their technological use on Earth. However, on the philosophical effects, this is not as visible as the ...
    • Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso; Peters, Ted; Seckbach, Joseph; Gordon, Richard (Wiley, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      Astrobiology is an exploding discipline in which not only the natural sciences, but also the social sciences and humanities converge. Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy is a multidisciplinary book that presents ...
    • Asymptotic behavior of the Rao–Nakra sandwich beam model with Kelvin–Voigt damping 

      Quispe Méndez, Teófanes; Cabanillas Zannini, Victor Rafael; Feng, Baowei (SAGE Publications, 2024)
      Acceso restringido
      The Rao–Nakra sandwich beam is a coupled system consisting of two wave equations for the longitudinal displacements of the top and bottom layers and an Euler–Bernoulli beam equation for the transversal displacement. This ...
    • Atributos diferenciadores entre el comercio minorista tradicional y el moderno 

      Bohorquez-Lopez, Victor W.; García-Ortiz, Paula Andrea; Méndez Lazarte, Christiam Ismael; Caycho Chumpitaz, Carlos Teodoro (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      La presente investigación se enfoca en identificar las diferencias entre el comercio tradicional (mercados de abastos) y el comercio moderno (supermercados), en un contexto en el cual el mercado tradicional representa ...
    • Attitudes and perceptions towards the scientific search for extraterrestrial life among students of public and private universities in Peru 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso; Ramos Ramírez, Julio César; Hoyos Rengifo, Fernando; Choy Vessoni, Rosana Aurora; Sergo Laura, Ivan; Ríos Ruiz, Félix Germán Alfonso; Murga Moreno, César Andreé; Alvarado Pino, José Percy Leonel; Yance Morales, Ximena (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
      Acceso restringido
      The objective of this study was to identify attitudes towards the scientific search for extraterrestrial life among students from public and private universities in Peru. This research was inspired by similar studies, ...
    • Aula invertida: Uma mudança nos paradigmas no ensino superior 

      Gomes Haensel Schmitt, Valentina; Cequea, Mirza Marvel (Interciencia, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      O método da sala de aula invertida está começando a redefinir o paradigma da sala de aula. Ele combina o paradigma indutivo com o dedutivo; como tal, é uma metodologia híbrida indutiva/dedutiva emergente. As vantagens da ...
    • Automated classification system of giant white corn using image processing and supervised techniques 

      Gonzales, Gabriela; Gutiérrez Cárdenas, Juan Manuel (International Society for Computers and Their Applications, 2018)
      Acceso restringido
      Nowadays, the use of artificial vision for classification in agricultural products has proven to have a great impact on this field. The exportation of agricultural goods has risen all over the world, consequently, that is ...
    • Autonomous and controlled regulation of performance-approach goals: Their relations to perfectionism and educational outcomes 

      Vansteenkiste, Maarten; Smeets, Stijn; Soenens, Bart; Lens, Willy; Matos Fernández, Lennia; Deci, Edward L. (Springer, 2010)
      Acceso abierto
      The present research uses self-determination theory to examine whether autonomous and controlled regulation of performance-approach (PAp) goals would differentially predict educational outcomes and add to the variance ...
    • Baladas peruanas, de Manuel González Prada como antecedente de Canto General 

      Fernández Cozman, Camilo Rubén (Universidad de Murcia, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      Baladas peruanas, de Manuel González Prada es un antecedente de Canto general (1950) porque pone de relieve la cosmogonía americana, la defensa del indígena y la poliacroasis en el ámbito de la poesía hispanoamericana. ...
    • Benchmark-Based Reference Model for Evaluating Botnet Detection Tools Driven by Traffic-Flow Analytics 

      Huancayo Ramos, Katherinne Shirley; Sotelo Monge, Marco Antonio; Maestre Vidal, Jorge (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      Botnets are some of the most recurrent cyber-threats, which take advantage of the wide heterogeneity of endpoint devices at the Edge of the emerging communication environments for enabling the malicious enforcement of fraud ...
    • Benefit Corporations in the Peruvian Legal Ecosystem 

      Mujica Filippi, Juan Diego; Ochoa Pérez, Claudia (Springer, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      In 2020, Peru became the third country in Latin America to adopt the benefit corporation model into its legal system, following its neighbors, Colombia and Ecuador, in proposing a legal model to identify purpose-driven ...
    • Beyond knowledge integration barriers in ERP implementations: An institutional approach 

      Bohorquez Lopez, Victor Wilfredo (University of Zagreb, 2018)
      Acceso abierto
      The objective of the article is to go beyond the knowledge integration barriers in ERP implementations by analyzing structural, technological, intellectual and socioemotional barriers that appear during an ERP implementation ...
    • Bibliometric Analysis of Industry 4.0 in the supply chain: An exploratory approach 

      Anaya Tinco, Juan Alberto; Jaramillo Palomino, Jimmar; Quiroz Flores, Juan Carlos (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2022)
      Acceso abierto
      Discussions about Industry 4.0 and its relationship with supply chains are a topic that has been growing over tim e. In theory, this new technological revolution can transform industries and their business models entirely ...
    • Bibliotecas, imprentas y difusión de noticias en el Perú colonial 

      Hampe Martínez, Teodoro (Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux, 2011)
      Acceso abierto
      Amplia síntesis historiográfica de la investigación sobre el impreso en el Nuevo Mundo que abarca la historia de la imprenta, de las bibliotecas, de las lecturas y de la prensa, desde los trabajos pioneros de José Toribio ...
    • Big data classification using fuzzy logical concepts for paddy yield prediction 

      Roca Cedeño, Jacinto Alex; García López, Yván Jesús; Neira-Molina, Harold; Morales-Ortega, Roberto; Combita-Niño, H.; Choque Flores, Leopoldo (Eskisehir Osmangazi University, 2021)
      Acceso abierto
      Time association data has been critical to the exploration field of paddy yield forecast. At durations the path of recent many years, countless flossy legitimate time arrangement. For this reason, this paper canters round ...
    • Big five personality inventory: Sex differences in a peruvian sample 

      Manrique Millones, Denisse Lisette (Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      Empirical research in the personality field, most of it done in developed countries, supports the notion of sex differences. Much less research has been done in developing countries. The purpose of the present research ...
    • La bioética en las constituciones del mundo 

      Varsi-Rospigliosi, Enrique (Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética de la Universidad de Chile, 2002)
      Acceso abierto
      El autor realiza un análisis del Derecho Constitucional comparado, identificando 37 leyes fundamentales que consideran dentro de sus normas principios de orden bioético, tales como el respeto de la dignidad humana en todo ...
    • A block-based variational elasto-damage model for masonry analysis inspired from granular micromechanics: Preliminary study 

      Tran, C. A.; Barchiesi, Emilio; Placidi, L.; León Trujillo, Francisco James (Elsevier, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      We develop a new block-based elasto-damage model for describing masonry structures. The constitutive elastic and damage behavioural laws used within the proposed approach are inspired from those employed in the recent ...