Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Computational Thinking and Block-Based Programming for Beginning Engineering Students: Systematic Review of the Literature 

      Paucar Curasma, Ronald; Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando; Jara Jara, Nolan; Quispe LLamoca, Rosa; Cabrera Chávez, Julio Cesar; Ponce-Aranibar, María del Pilar (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      In the article, the authors conduct a systematic review of computational thinking in higher education. For this review, the following research topics were taken into account: computational thinking skills in higher education, ...
    • Technological project in the development of computational thinking and problem-solving 

      Paucar-Curasma, Ronald; Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando; Jara Jara, Nolan; Quispe LLamoca, Rosa; Unsihuay Tovar, Roberto Florentino; Carhuaz Malpartida, Katherin Felipa (IEEE, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      In the article, the authors propose technological projects to develop computational thinking following the four problem-solving phases: understanding the problem, making the plan, executing the plan, and reviewing the ...