Use of telehealth for psychosocial oncology: A mixed methods study about barriers to and opportunities with Latino patients from Latin America, Spain, and the United States
Telehealth for mental healthcare expanded rapidly with the COVID-19 pandemic's onset; however, global access disparities emerged. Telehealth challenges and opportunities for Latino cancer patients from different geographical regions must be explored.
How to cite
Ruda Santolaria, L., Bergerot, C., Hernández, J., Pena, C., Montana, M. F., Galindo Vásquez, O., Torres Blasco, N., Castro Figueroa, E., Esenarro, R., Sánchez Ramírez, J. C., Estapé, T., Gany, F. & Costas Muniz, R. (2023). Use of telehealth for psychosocial oncology: A mixed methods study about barriers to and opportunities with Latino patients from Latin America, Spain, and the United States. Psyco Oncology, 32(8), 1289-1297.
John Wiley and Sons LtdResearch area / line
Calidad de vida y bienestar / SaludCategory / Subcategory
- Psicología [84]