Design and Development of Electronic Devices for Assessing Correct Use of Respirator Masks at Workplaces
Silicosis is a type of pneumoconiosis caused by repeated inhalation of silica dust, leading to pulmonary fibrosis and bronchial problems. It is also a progressive and irreversible disease, causing temporary or permanent leaves from work, and a predisposing factor for lung cancer, tuberculosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [1], [2]. The main preventive measure is worker education by employers on how to use the respiratory mask, i.e. fitting it correctly and checking for inward leaks.
How to cite
Ponce, D., & Toledo, E. (2024). Design and Development of Electronic Devices for Assessing Correct Use of Respirator Masks at Workplaces. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine.
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- Ingeniería Industrial [123]