Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 243

    • Fractionation of Seeds or Grains 

      Capitani, Marianela; Scilingo, Adriana; Calandri, Edgardo; Giménez, María Alejandra; Martínez, Marcela Lilian; Ixtaína, Vanesa; Chasquibol Silva, Nancy Ascención; Pérez Camino, M. Carmen; Bassett, Natalia; Delgado-Soriano, Víctor; Repo-Carrasco-Valencia, Ritva Ann-Mari; Haros, Claudia M.; Tomás, Mabel (CRC Press, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      In the last few years, the Latin-American seeds have gained increased importance (also due to the increased demand for gluten-free foods). Worldwide demand for Latin-American seeds and grains has risen in a high proportion. ...
    • The use and meaning of gold in ancient Peru 

      Vetter, Luisa; Carcedo Muro de Mufarech, Paloma (Springer, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      Gold as a native metal is found in nature in quartz veins with pyrite and other sulfurous minerals from epigenetic mineral deposits, or in secondary deposits, known as placers, the gold from which is called alluvial gold ...
    • Benefit Corporations in the Peruvian Legal Ecosystem 

      Mujica Filippi, Juan Diego; Ochoa Pérez, Claudia (Springer, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      In 2020, Peru became the third country in Latin America to adopt the benefit corporation model into its legal system, following its neighbors, Colombia and Ecuador, in proposing a legal model to identify purpose-driven ...
    • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Analyses of Biological Samples 

      Stanisic, Danijela; Gelain Martins, Lucas; Tasic, Ljubica (Springer, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy can be used for the analysis of almost all biological samples regardless of their complexity and physical state, sometimes requiring minimal sample preparation and handling ...
    • Astrobioethics Considerations Regarding Space Exploration 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Oxford University Press, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      “Astrobioethics Considerations Regarding Space Exploration” discusses a number of questions about space exploration that begin to emerge in the context of astrobioethics, the area of study that examines the moral implications ...
    • Validation of a Hemi-Variational Block-Based Approach to the Modelling of Common In-plane Failures in Masonry Structures 

      Torres Espino, José Manuel; Espinoza Sandoval, Jaime Heman; Tran, Chuong Anthony; Fedele, Roberto; Turco, Emilio; dell’Isola, Francesco; Placidi, Luca; Misra, Anil; León Trujillo, Francisco James; Barchiesi, Emilio (Springer, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      Numerical simulations of several planar failure modes of masonry structures are presented, based on the model and solving code from a recent hemivariational block-based model inspired from granular micromechanics (Tran et ...
    • Astrobioethics: Epistemological, Astrotheological, and Interplanetary Issues 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Wiley, 2021)
      The themes that arise as we enter the philosophical discussion on astrobiology are many and diverse. Of all these, ethics is presented as a rather complex one. Therefore, astrobioethics is the branch of philosophy and ...
    • Peruvian regional cinema: Transtextuality, gender and violence in Bullying maldito, la historia de María Marimacha 

      Bustamante Quiroz, Emilio (Springer, 2020)
      This chapter analyses the connections between the Ayacuchean film Bullying maldito, la historia de María Marimacha [Damned Bullying, the Story of María Marimacha] (Mélinton Eusebio, 2015), American horror and B-series ...
    • The peruvian short film: Styles and treatments of memory, politics, and violence 

      Bedoya Wilson, Ricardo (Springer, 2020)
      The short film is the area of cinematographic activity that has allowed Peruvian filmmakers to practice their craft. Each year, more than a hundred short films are produced in various regions of the country. These films ...
    • Expansion of humanity in space: Utopia or dystopia? 

      Chon Torres, Octavio Alfonso (Oxford University Press, 2023)
      As humanity progresses as a civilization, sooner or later it will have to venture into the establishment of off-Earth colonies. When that happens it will raise the challenge of what kind of society we want for those contexts. ...
    • Blockchain-Based System to Ensure the Integrity of Used Vehicle Purchase Transactions: Under Researchers’ Perspective 

      Sayán Barreto, José Leonardo; Beuzeville Espinoza, Rodrigo Arturo; Dávila Calle, Guillermo Antonio (Springer, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      Through the increase in vehicle sales transactions globally, new ways are being created to change the current model of vehicle ownership transfer systems. The integrity of the data in this type of operation must be the ...
    • Lanthanide-doped glasses under high pressure 

      Montoya Matos, Israel Roger; Carrillo Herrera, Alvaro; Buchner, Silvio; Balzaretti, Naira Maria (De Gruyter, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      According to Zanotto and Mauro [1],“glass is a nonequilibrium, noncrystalline con-densed state of matter that exhibits a glass transition. The structure of glasses islike that of their parent supercooled liquids. Their ...
    • Characterization and Preservation of the Bioactive Compounds of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis and P. huayllabambana) Oils 

      Chasquibol Silva, Nancy Ascención; Alarcón Rivera, Rafael; Gómez Coca, Wenceslao Moreda; Pérez-Camino, M. Carmen (CRC Press, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      This chapter focuses on the functional properties of sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis and P. huayllabambana) oils and reveals the potential of these two widespread taxa. Their balanced composition in ¿-3 and ¿-6 fatty ...
    • Distribution of health care facilities 

      Carrillo Rojas, Ethel Rosario (Taylor and Francis, 2019)
      This chapter provides a population-based analysis of the distribution and potential capacity of different types health care facilities in Peru. Health care facilities are heavily concentrated in the major urban areas of ...
    • Construyendo un mundo inteligente para la sostenibilidad. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas 

      Universidad de Lima (Universidad de Lima. Fondo Editorial, 2021)
      Acceso abierto
      Han pasado ya varios meses desde que la pandemia ocasionada por el virus del SARS-CoV-2 instauró una nueva normalidad, donde las tecnologías son más vitales que nunca para las actividades humanas. En este escenario el ...
    • Innovando la educación en tecnología. Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas 

      Universidad de Lima (Universidad de Lima. Fondo Editorial, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      Este libro contiene las conferencias magistrales y ponencias presentadas durante el II Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas (CIIS), denominado “Innovando la educación en tecnología”, el cual se realizó en la ...
    • Citizens’ media in latin america 

      Rodríguez, Clemencia; Alfaro Moreno, Rosa María; Montaña, E. C. (Taylor and Francis, 2019)
      There are several reasons that explain why community and citizens’ media are so widespread and popular in Latin America. This chapter offers a series of short vignettes set in Colombia that describe the intricate processes ...
    • Hacia la transformación digital. Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas 

      Universidad de Lima (Universidad de Lima. Fondo Editorial, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      Este volumen reúne el conjunto de conferencias magistrales y ponencias presentadas durante el I Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas (CIIS), denominado “Hacia la transformación digital”, el cual tuvo lugar ...
    • Using decision trees for improving AEH courses 

      Bravo, Javier; Vialardi Sacín, César; Ortigosa, Álvaro (Taylor & Francis, 2010)
      Adaptive educational hypermedia systems (AEHS) seek to make easier the learning process for each student by providing each one (potentially) different educative contents, customized according to the student’s needs and ...
    • Methodology for selection of sustainability criteria: A case of social housing in Peru 

      Rondinel Oviedo, Daniel Ricardo; Schreier Barreto, Christopher (Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018)
      Acceso restringido
      In Peru, the appearance of the MiVivienda Sostenible Bonus has brought to light the concern for sustainability in social housing, and this issue should be understood with a perspective of the satisfaction of the users’ ...