Now showing items 1-20 of 28

    • Types of convergence in the Peruvian digital media ecosystem 

      Domenack Bracamonte, Wendy; Kanashiro Nakahodo, Lilian; Retis, Jessica (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      This writing presents a set of characteristics of the Peruvian media ecosystem, focusing on the findings that show the level of media convergence from the presence of the news media in the digital environment. In the ...
    • Transition stories: Analysis of Peruvian FTM Instagram posts 

      Bossio Montes de Oca, Juan Fernando (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      Exploratory study on the use of Instagram by young trans men from Peru to communicate about their changes and experiences. Eighteen public profiles of trans young men were found, six of them were selected considering impact ...
    • The use of Twitter by the prosecutors of Ecuador and Peru: Actors, links, and interaction 

      Mendoza Michilot, Thelmy Maria Del Carmen; Duymovich Rojas, José (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      Magistrate’ use of social networks has been scarcely studied. It is assumed that the discretion of the jurisdictional function limits their interaction; but judges and prosecutors can be active Internet users in Latin ...
    • Methodological approaches for the study of the country brand: The case of Peru and perception in Germany 

      Santillán Vásquez, Manuel Ángel (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      The country brand, in practical terms, can be understood as a branding technique applied to a territory or geographic region in order to achieve a competitive position on a global scale. In this paper, a methodology is ...
    • Influencers in quarantine: Adaptation of their contents and production formats 

      León Kanashiro, Laura Raquel; Mateus, Julio-César (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      This paper describes the changes in the content and production formats of Peruvian influencers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on semi-structured interviews it was found that the process of adaptation was ...
    • Analysis of social media use and political interest among Peruvian university students: The case of Arequipa and Iquitos 

      Nájar Ortega, Rosario; Quiroz Velasco, María Teresa; Cano Correa, Ana María (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      In Peru, a country with enormous inequality, weak democratic institutions, and high levels of mistrust of the state, young people tend to be indifferent towards and do not get involved in traditional forms of political ...
    • A technique to analize populist discourse: The Peruvian case 

      Chaparro, Hernán; Kanashiro Nakahodo, Lilian (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Acceso restringido
      There are different techniques that have been evaluated to identify whether a political discourse is populist or not. This research analyzes the debates in the plenary session of the Peruvian Congress during the first ...
    • Gamit! a beat for learning 

      Rincon-Flores, Elvira G.; Santos-Guevara, Brenda N.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Nadia Katherine; Martínez-Cardiel, Lizette; Matsuura Sonoda, Alberto; Quintana Cruz, Hernán Alejandro (IEEE, 2023)
      Acceso restringido
      This paper presents the results from a gamification platform developed by two Latin American universities from Mexico and Peru, with the aim to promote engagement and improve students' attitudes towards the learning process, ...
    • Post-truth of Female Empowerment in the Fake News of Peruvian Reality Shows 

      Espinoza-Robles, Lorena Teresa; Aybar-Cabezudo, Oscar Alfredo (Springer, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      This study investigates the fake news generated from the content of the reality television format in Peru. This format, by mixing informational or reality elements with fictional elements, contributes to misinformation ...
    • Media, Fear of Crime, and Authority: Focus Groups in Lima (Perú) 

      Kanashiro Nakahodo, Lilian; Dammert, Lucía; Wilson Hernández, Wilson (Springer, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      Lima’s news agenda focuses on the media’s exposure and coverage of crime. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between news consumption, fear of crime, and trust in authority. To this end, twelve focus group discussions ...
    • Gamit! Interactive platform for gamification 

      Rincón-Flores, Elvira G.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Nadia Katherine; Santos-Guevara, Brenda N.; Matsuura Sonoda, Alberto; Quintana Cruz, Hernán Alejandro (IEEE, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      Gamit! is a software platform that enables instructors to use gamification concepts and techniques in their classrooms. Currently, the platform allows instructors to create leaderboards and use badges to incentivize students ...
    • Collective Rural Brands and Consumption of Agroecological Products 

      Ortiz Esaine, Nicolas Martin; Dominguez Gutierrez, Diana (Springer, 2022)
      Acceso restringido
      This work focuses on the development of rural communities through their productive and commercial orientation. This is done through collective rural brands as a vehicle to achieve identity, representation, and commercial ...
    • Las redes sociales en el Perú y la comunicación ciudadano - político 

      Mendoza Michilot, Thelmy Maria Del Carmen; Valenzuela Chamorro, Ana (Les Éditions de l'Immatériel, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      Se describen las prácticas de los cibernautas peruanos en las redes sociales Facebook y Twitter, en épocas electorales y no electorales, en ejercicio de su libertad de expresión. A partir del análisis de la interacción, ...
    • La educación mediática como política educativa: el caso peruano 

      Mateus, Julio-César (Les Éditions de l'Immatériel, 2020)
      Acceso abierto
      Unlike other countries, Peru does not have a tradition of critical media education. On the contrary, the paradigm that has prevailed in the Peruvian educational policy in the last 30 years has been to provide technology ...
    • Algoritmo genético con tecnología Blockchain para reducir la entropía de una cadena de suministro 

      Miranda Del Solar, Juan José Domingo; Schwarz Díaz, Max (Universidad de Lima, 2019)
      Acceso abierto
      La presente investigación desarrolla un algoritmo genético combinado con tecnología Blockchain para gestionar transacciones en una cadena de suministro reduciendo la entropía de la misma. La investigación utiliza un algoritmo ...
    • Topic modeling applied to business research: A latent dirichlet allocation (LDA)-based classification for organization studies 

      Vílchez Román, Carlos; Huamán Delgado, Farita; Sanguinetti Cordero, Sol (Springer, 2019)
      Acceso restringido
      More than 1.5 million academic documents are published each year, and this trend shows an incremental tendency for the following years. One of the main challenges for the academic community is how to organize this huge ...
    • ¿Podemos aprender de los videojuegos? 

      Mateus, Julio-César (Santillana, 2014)
      Acceso abierto
    • Por una cooperación activa entre España y América Latina que enlace la enseñanza y la investigación en comunicación 

      Quiroz Velasco, María Teresa (Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación, 2008)
      Acceso abierto
      La universidad en general y las instituciones y redes académicas para el estudio de la comunicación en América Latina atraviesan una etapa de crisis y de revisión sobre sus objetivos, posibilidades y medidas para fortalecer ...
    • El guionista en su laberinto. Consideraciones y prácticas narrativas de la convergencia 

      Cappello Flores, Giancarlo (Universidad de Lima, 2012)
      Acceso abierto
      The text addresses the changes and considerations which are being proposed by the convergence in the narration of stories, specifically in that which refers to television series. The dramatic and narrative considerations ...
    • La Educación a través de la Imagen en la era de la Cultura Digital: El Machinima en el Mundo Virtual “Second Life” como Narrativa 

      Tovar Anza, María Soledad (Universidad de Lima, 2012)
      Acceso abierto
      This research is in the field of virtual worlds and it is positioned specifically in the digital art: The Machinima. The general purpose of this research is to integrate the Immersive Virtual Reality as a tool of representation ...