The peruvian short film: Styles and treatments of memory, politics, and violence
The short film is the area of cinematographic activity that has allowed Peruvian filmmakers to practice their craft. Each year, more than a hundred short films are produced in various regions of the country. These films adhere to and expand on various trends, in fiction, documentary, and animation, and yet this format lacks exhibition circuits, funding sources, and a reliable market. This chapter situates the short film in the panorama of Peruvian cinema of the start of the twenty-first century, taking as case study five short films from this period. The analysis is focused on these films' treatment of memory of the internal armed conflict of 1980-2000 and of the recent political clashes between the state and local communities regarding mining activity.
How to cite
Bedoya, R. (2020). The peruvian short film: Styles and treatments of memory, politics, and violence. En C. Vich & S. Barrow (Eds.), Peruvian Cinema of the Twenty-First Century Dynamic and Unstable Grounds (pp. 199-216). Springer.
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- Comunicación [76]